Friday 8 January 2021

The Curse of the Evil Eye

Turkish Evil Eye Amulet By Sokoljan - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Welcome to my latest blog post. As you may know, I am currently working my way through a series on beliefs surrounding disability. After a couple of weeks focusing on the festive season, I will now continue from where I left off with Bes. This week I will be discussing the concept of the evil eye. While it spans both time and space, I will be mainly focusing on the ancient Greeks and Romans. I occasionally find myself wondering what it would be like to live back then, but then I remember I’m disabled and quickly move on.

What is the Evil Eye?

I suppose the best place to start is to explain what the evil eye actually is. It is a look which one person can give which can harm a person or object. Some people may think that this is nonsense, and nobody can cause harm with their eyes. However, it is still a widely held belief in many parts of the world. The victims of these attacks usually have something which the perpetrator is envious of. This could be good looks, wealth, or good health. The damage caused by such attacks can vary in severity and can cause symptoms such as excessive yawning, hiccups, vomiting and fever, oh…. and in severe cases, death. The object of the evil eye’s attention is not always human. A cow could have it’s milk dry up, whilst a plant could wither and die. Sounds like witchcraft to me!

The Greek philosopher, Plutarch tried to come up with an explanation as to how the evil eye was cast. He spoke of ‘effluences from bodies’ such as ‘odour, voice, and breathing’ that can create a stream of particles which produce sensation whenever they impact our sensory organs. So, in a way, Plutarch thought that humans are like superheroes that can shoot beams out of their eyes. However, he did not think everybody had this capability. He suggested that living creatures were much better at emitting such particles than inanimate objects as motion and warmth were the key driving forces. It therefore makes sense that people from warmer regions of the planet would be more adept at using the evil eye.

One of the driving forces behind the evil eye was envy. This is probably why it is known as the Evil Eye of Envy. However, where did this envy come from in the ancient Mediterranean world? Bruce J. Malina states that there was a belief that there was a limited number of goods in the world, such as wealth, love, honour and manliness. This meant that those without them became envious of those with the goods. Hence, why there was all the superhero business with particles streaming out of people’s eyes.

The Eyes Have It

Human eyes are believed to have special capabilities as they are thought to be the gateway to the soul. People with eye conditions such as twitches, spasms, cross-eyes or squinting eyes can be thought to convey evil or bad luck. Therefore, they are shunned from society. Eyes which are different colours also have the same effect. As the Greeks and Romans mostly had brown eyes, they were wary of people with blue eyes from the east.

This is best seen in the Argonautica, one of the versions of the Jason and the Argonauts story. Jason was returning to Greece with a woman named Medea who he had picked up at Colchis on the Black Sea. On their way past Crete, they were attacked by Talos, a giant man crafted from bronze by the gods to protect the island. He did this by hurling rocks at approaching ships. For some reason, I always picture a giant C-3PO from Star Wars when I think of Talos.

Anyway, Talos was no match for the powers which Medea possessed. She adopted ‘a mind bent on harm’ and ‘bewitched bronze Talos’ eyes with her hate-filled stares. She gnashed her teeth in bitter anger against him and sent forth destructive phantoms with vehement hatred’, destroying Talos in the process. She did this all from a distance while standing aboard Jason’s ship. All I can say is beware of angry women and don’t make eye contact with them whatever you do!

To keep up to date with my latest blog posts, you can like my Facebook page, or follow me on Twitter. You can find them by clicking the relevant icons in the sidebar.

As you can see, ancient civilisations took the evil eye very seriously. Next week I will tell you how they tried to combat it.

                                                                The Wheelchair Historian

Further Reading

Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonautica, Edited and translated by William H. Race (January 2009).

Hargitai, Quinn, ‘The strange power of the ‘evil eye’’, 19th February 2018, Accessed: 8 January 2021.

Malina, Bruce J., 2001. The New Testament World: Insights from Cultural Anthropology, (Westminster John Knox Press).

Plutarch, ‘Moralia, Table-talk’ in Plutarch Moralia Volume VIII, Books 1-6, Translated by P. A. Clement and H. B. Hoffleit (January 1969).

Radford, Benjamin, ‘The Evil Eye: A Closer Look’, July 28, 2017, Accessed: 8 January 2021.

Smith, Elaine, ‘Beware the Evil Eye. Or Buy One, Just for Kicks’, Dec. 6, 2019, Accessed: 8 January 2021.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, ‘Evil eye’, Encyclopædia Britannica, Date Published: May 17, 2013, Access Date: December 21, 2020.

Friday 1 January 2021

The History of New Year Celebrations

By Anthony Quintano from Hillsborough, NJ, United States - Working New Years Eve Social Media for NBC, CC BY 2.0,


Welcome to my latest blog post. This week I will continue in the festive spirit and focus on the history of New Year celebrations. For once I couldn’t find anything disability related, so you will have to come back next week for some disability action.

How Old are New Year Celebrations?

The concept of a new year always puzzles me. I mean, it’s not like there is any difference in the world on 1st January compared to 31st December. You may be surprised to learn that the New Year has been celebrated for almost as long as civilisation has existed. There are recorded celebrations of the New Year in ancient Babylon 4,000 years ago. Their celebration did not take place on 31st December-1st January as it does in several countries today. Instead, they held the 11-day festival of Atiku starting on the first new moon after the vernal equinox. This is the day with equal light and darkness, usually in late March. During this festival, a different ritual was performed on each day, and the king was chosen for the following year. This usually just meant that the sitting king had his divine mandate symbolically renewed.

For a long time, civilisations used astronomical or agricultural events to start the new year. This was true of the early Romans who also used the vernal equinox as their start date. Romulus was credited with creating this calendar which consisted of 10 months and 304 days. A later king, Numa Pompilius, came along and messed the whole thing up by adding the months Januarius and Februarius. This meant that over time, the calendar became out of sync with the sun and it was confusing for a while. However, Julius Caesar saved the day in 46 B.C.E. He consulted with his best astronomers and mathematicians and created the Julian calendar. As part of this manipulation of time, he moved the first day of the year to 1st January. This was partly to honour the god who the month is named after, Janus, the god of openings and beginnings. Janus was an interesting god as he had two faces, one facing forward and the other backwards. This allowed him to simultaneously see into the past and the future. The perfect god for New Year I would think, as we reflect on the previous 12 months and look forward to the year to come!

However, this was not the last calendar change. You see, there was a teensy tiny little problem with the Julian calendar calculations. They calculated the solar year as 365.25 days, when everybody knows it is actually 365.242199 days. And they call themselves mathematicians! This added an extra 11 minutes per year, which meant that in the year 1000, New Year was actually 7th January. Eventually, the Catholic Church stepped in and decided to put an end to the time changing shenanigans…. by changing the time. In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII baptised the new calendar which most countries still use today. Not everybody celebrates the new year on 1st January though. For instance, the Chinese New Year is celebrated on the second new moon after the winter solstice.       

Modern New Year Traditions

The New Year is celebrated in different ways depending on what part of the world you live in. In the English-speaking world, it is common to sing “Auld Lang Syne”, a Scottish poem written by Robert Burns in 1788. The melody for the song is said to come from a much older Scottish folk song. In many parts of the world rituals and customs are performed to ensure good fortune for the year to come. In many Spanish speaking countries, including Spain, people bolt down a dozen grapes, symbolizing their hopes for the year ahead. The food served on New Year’s Eve is also important. For some cultures, pigs represent prosperity and therefore pork is consumed in countries including Austria, Cuba, Hungary and Portugal. In some parts of the world, people eat food that resembles the shape of money. It is hoped that this will bring financial success. For instance, in the southern United States, they eat black-eyed peas, while in Italy, lentils are the foodstuff of choice.

I think it is fair to say that New Year celebrations have a long a varied history.

To keep up to date with my latest blog posts, you can like my Facebook page, or follow me on Twitter. You can find them by clicking the relevant icons in the sidebar.

Next week I will look at the history of the evil eye, focusing on what the Greeks and Romans believed about it.

                                                                                    Happy New Year!

                                                                                   The Wheelchair Historian

Further Reading

EarthSky, ‘Why does the new year begin on January 1?’, January 1, 2016 Accessed: 1 January 2021.

Ghose, Tia, ‘Here's How 10 New Year's Eve Traditions Got Started’, December 30, 2017 Accessed: 1 January 2021. Editors, ‘New Year’s’, HISTORY, Last Updated: June 7, 2019, Original Published Date: February 16, 2010 Accessed: December 15, 2020.

Jeon, Hannah, ‘Why Do We Celebrate New Year's Day? A Fascinating Look Into New Year's History’, Dec 14, 2020 Accessed: 1 January 2021.

Rix-Standing, Luke, ‘A brief history of New Year, one of the few festivals that's universally celebrated’, 31 December, 2019 01:00 Accessed: 1 January 2021.

Tilford, Julia, ‘How did New Year's eve start? The history and tradition explained’, Dec. 28, 2016 Accessed: 1 January 2021.

Friday 25 December 2020

Tiny Tim's Troublesome Tale

Tiny Tim By Fred Barnard - Digital image from LIFE, Public Domain,


Welcome to my special Christmas post. It took me a while to decide what I should write about. I wanted it to be festive, but also be a history post with a disability aspect. As you are probably aware, the history of disability and Christmas cheer don’t really go hand in hand. The only thing I could think of that I could put a positive spin on was Tiny Tim from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (1843). When I initially looked up Tiny Tim online, I came across the singer by that name. While fascinating, he was not the person I was looking for, so I carried on my search. Anyway, what follows is what I was able to cobble together in an attempt to make a usually bleak subject Christmassy and magical!!


What the Dickens?

I must admit that I know rather little about Charles Dickens. You may remember from my post on Zip the Pinhead, that Dickens was the one who gave Barnum the idea to call Zip, ‘What is it?’. This gave me the impression that Dickens, much like many of his 19th century counterparts did not actually care about disabled people and either feared or pitied them. This may not have been the case. Perhaps the reason that Dickens attended one of Barnum’s exhibits was because he had a keen interest in human illness.

Tiny Tim is possibly the best-known disabled child in the works of Dickens, but he was not the only one. In 1845, Dickens published A Cricket on the Hearth, in which one of the characters, Bertha, is blind. She is the daughter of an employee of a prideful toy merchant. I am starting to think that Dickens liked to repeat the same stories and hoped that nobody would notice. Much like Tiny Tim, Bertha is a happy child, even though she is expected to be miserable due to her disability. It seems as though Dickens is saying being/becoming disabled is not the worst thing in the world, which even today is a common belief about disability.

Perhaps Dickens had a better understanding of disability and illness than he is given credit for. When Dickens was 12, his father was put in debtors’ prison, meaning that young Charles lived in poverty for a while. He also had personal experience of disability and ill health as he had epilepsy and his nephew died of tuberculosis at a young age. This may be where his character of Tiny Tim came from. Dickens was also incredibly skilled at identifying disease. In many of his works, he would accurately describe the symptoms of various illnesses that had not been identified yet. I think it is safe to say that Charles Dickens knew what he was talking about when he included the disabled Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol.


What was Troubling Tiny Tim?

I know it is a fictional story that is over 150 years old, but it is still interesting to speculate what illness may have been afflicting Tiny Tim. It is important to note that whatever the problem was, his situation dramatically improved once Scrooge had a change of heart after being scared witless by some ghosts. It would have to be an illness that could be improved with money, but would prove fatal if neglected. Ah…. Death, that’s what you want to read about at Christmas time. Here is what we know about his problem. According to the book, Tiny Tim “bore a little crutch, and had his limbs supported by an iron frame.” He is also carried on the back of his father from the Christmas service to his home. Oh…. and he was small in stature, hence the adjective Tiny in his name.

There are several conditions which may explain Tiny Tim’s symptoms. Firstly, there is possibly the most obvious explanation. As A Christmas Carol is a book of fiction, Tiny Tim’s illness may be a metaphor for the ills of society in general. I like this explanation as I am fond of a good metaphor. However, as I am more interested in Tiny Tim’s illness, I will ignore the logical answer. One possible diagnosis is Renal Tubular Acidosis. This is a disease that affects the kidneys. It can lead to restricted growth, bone disease as well as a whole host of other issues. It is incredibly rare, so is an unlikely diagnosis, but was believed to be one of the conditions that Charles II of Spain was cursed with, as discussed a few months ago. Other conditions put forward over the years include polio and cerebral palsy. However, an increase in wealth and a better diet would be unlikely to dramatically change Tiny Tim’s fortunes if either of these were the cause.

Tuberculosis is a more probably explanation, as nearly 50% of children in London at this time had the disease, including the nephew of Charles Dickens as mentioned before. While it may have been difficult to treat back then, an improved diet and more sun exposure, provided by trips to a sanatorium may have helped. Another likely disease was rickets. This could be dealt with easily enough by an improved diet. Some people have pointed out that if a poor diet was the cause, then all the Cratchit children should have had rickets. However, as Tiny Tim was the youngest, his meals would have been the poorest quality. Given the evidence that we have to go on, a combination of rickets and TB is most likely.


Festive Cheer?

Okay. At the start of this post, I said I would try and do three things. 1. Talk about history, which I think I have done. 2. Talk about disability, which I think I have managed by haphazardly trying to diagnose a fictional character. 3. I said I would make it Christmassy, whatever that means. Let’s give that a go, shall we? Since his conception, Tiny Tim has become a poster boy for charities dealing with disability. He is the sweet little kid that makes everyone feel pity for him and empty their pockets, which works well at Christmas because everyone is in a giving mood. Some disabled people don’t like this as they rightly don’t want to be pitied. But hey, if it means people are kinder to each other, I’m all for it!

Fun Fact (I think it’s fun anyway): You may be aware of the phrase ‘Bah humbug’ from A Christmas Carol, but did you know that saying ‘Merry Christmas’ originated from this work as well!

To keep up to date with my latest blog posts, you can like my Facebook page, or follow me on Twitter. You can find them by clicking the relevant icons in the sidebar.

Next week I will have a New Year special. I just need to work out what it will be.


                                                                                                Merry Christmas!!


                                                                                   The Wheelchair Historian


Further Reading

Chesney, RW. Environmental Factors in Tiny Tim's Near-Fatal Illness. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012;166(3):271–275. doi:10.1001/archpediatrics.2011.852 Accessed: 22nd December, 2020.

Hingston, Kylee-Anne, “A Christmas Carol,” Nineteenth-Century Disability: Cultures & Contexts, Accessed: December 22, 2020.

Kudlick, Catherine, ‘#Disabled People to the Rescue: A Christmas Carol’ Accessed: 22nd December, 2020.

Palik, Jennifer, ‘What was wrong with Tiny Tim in 'A Christmas Carol'?’ Updated Jan 05, 2019; Posted Dec 25, 2011 Accessed: 22nd December, 2020.

Soehnlin, Jenn, ‘What Charles Dickens Teaches Us About Disability in His Christmas Novellas’, Sunday, December 15, 2019 Accessed: 22nd December, 2020.